Our latest articles

  • MHz Tomoscopy Featured on Physics of Fluids Journal Cover Page

    MHz Tomoscopy Featured on Physics of Fluids Journal Cover Page

    The fragmentation dynamics of single water droplets from laser irradiation is studied with megahertz frame rate x-ray microscopy. Owed to the nearly refraction-free and penetrating imaging technique, we could look into the interior of the droplet and reveal that two mechanisms are responsible for the initial explosive fragmentation of the droplet. First, reflection and diffraction…

  • MHz – Tomoscopy at Budapest X-ray school

    MHz – Tomoscopy at Budapest X-ray school

    MHz Tomoscopy presented by Patrik Vagovic at Budapest X-ray school, 3-6.10.2023

  • Students from University at EuXFEL

    Students from University at EuXFEL

    Students from University of Pavol Jozef Safarik participating at experiment at EuXFEL.

  • Shimadzu cameras arrived

    Shimadzu cameras arrived

    Last Thursday, Patrik Vagovic, along with technicians from Shimadzu Germany, conducted the unpacking and initial functionality tests of two Shimadzu cameras. These cameras were intended to be integrated into an experimental setup for MHz tomoscopy. The team successfully connected the cameras to the computer and proceeded to install the necessary software.

  • MHz Tomoscopy annual meeting

    MHz Tomoscopy annual meeting

    Slovakia, 20-22th June 2023

  • MHz Tomoscopy project meeting

    MHz Tomoscopy project meeting

    On Tuesday, January 24, 2023, the MHz-Tomoscopy project meeting was held at the Eu XFELs user meeting in Hamburg. During the meeting, the current state of each work package was presented by the corresponding WP lead. Dr. Patrik Vagovic from DESY presented Method Development and Instrumentation, Prof. Pablo Villanueva-Perez from LUND spoke on Image Processing…